强强联合 共赢未来丨汉森娱乐x光合未来“东南亚泛娱乐星空计划” 发布会暨签约仪式圆满成功

2022年10月28日,“东南亚泛娱乐星空计划发布会暨签约仪式”,在广州市凯华国际中心顺利举行。 On October 28th 2022, the “Southeas…


On October 28th 2022, the “Southeast Asia Pan-Entertainment Star Project”Press Conference and Signing Ceremony”, was held at the R&F International Business Center Phase 2.

借助我国倡议并主导“一带一路”跨国经济发展之东风,秉承第29届APEC会议“开放,连结,平衡”主题的理念,汉森娱乐携手光合未来科技文化传媒共同打造了 “东南亚泛娱乐星空计划”,链接中泰资源,实现元宇宙与跨境泛娱乐经济的双向奔赴。

With the tide of China’s “Belt and Road” initiative in international economic development, and adhering to the 29th APEC Conference’s theme of “Openness, Connection, Balance”, Handsome Entertainment has teamed up with Lighture to initiate the “Southeast Asia Pan-Entertainment Star Project”, linking Chinese and Thai resources to achieve a two-way collaboration of the meta-universe and cross-border pan-entertainment.


Mr. Panda Lü, Founder of Handsome Entertainment, and Mr. Zhao Wenjun, CEO of Lighture as well as senior figures from related entertainment industries were invited to attend the conference to witness the historical moment of pan-entertainment strategic planning.




At the conference, Panda, the founder of Handsome Entertainment, gave a speech on stage, leading to the theme of the day’s conference, “The Cultural and Entertainment Industry Enters the Meta-Universe”.


Panda emphasized that the introduction of the meta-universe concept is an important point to strengthen the integration of online and offline, and to realize the encounter between meta-universe and pan-entertainment. As an important direction for the transformation of future entertainment practitioners, the star resource execution and virtual idol technology development end is also of extraordinary strategic significance for Handsome Entertainment’s layout of the virtual idol track.




In his speech, Mr. Zhao Wenjun, CEO of Lighture, affirmed the inevitability and necessity of combining the pan-entertainment industry with the meta-universe, and at the same time made a detailed analysis of the possibility of spreading the meta-universe to commercialization and integration of the cultural and entertainment industry from a professional and technical perspective.




At the end of the speeches, both parties kicked off the Hanson Artist Virtual Diversion Project!






2021 is the year of meta-universe and the meta-universe market is opening up, with virtual idols gaining huge application space in the market as the basic content carrier for meta-universe applications. According to PwC, the size of the metaverse market, which includes the virtual idol business, is expected to increase from US$5 million in 2020 to US$1.5 trillion in 2030.


The Handsome Virtual Idol IP, jointly created by Handsome Entertainment and the team of Lighture, combines pan-entertainment celebrity resources with digital content marketing models to give virtual idols a more realistic “soul”, allowing virtual idols to truly enter the spiritual world of fans, triggering love and resonance.


In the future, Handsome Entertainment will join hands with Lighture to make joint efforts and share interests in the metaverse field, innovate the operation mode of virtual idols, and open up a new situation of win-win situation for multiple parties in the cross-border virtual pan-entertainment track!



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